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Using artifacts as a means of expression, Raphaël flirts with the idea of immortalizing craft-based knowledge, while imposing a contemporary reflection on topics such as agriculture, body and gender identification, as well as rituals of intimacy and friendship.


As a multidisciplinary maker, he focuses on his knowledge of handmade textiles and soft materials such as leather to convey his intentions through artifacts. For the artist, his practice functions both as a tool to learn, as well as a vessel for communicating ideas and sharing knowledge.


When using photography to communicate, he is fascinated by the multifarious approaches to archival work. He experiments with a variety of tools and techniques to achieve unpredictable results and to learn to let go of his controlled environment through these precarious experiments.


With the intention of sensitizing consumers to the origins of foods and the methods involved in producing them, the body of work wishes to rethink our current dining habits and our relationships to these prescribed objects and mealtime rituals outside of heteronormative boundaries. 


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